Wednesday, August 25, 2010

100/0 Video

Sometimes when the right words don't come.. you let someone else speak for you.. or better yet, a video. This one brought to mind hearing and reading Stephen Covey and his response to a husband who shared with him his relationship problems with his wife after a seminar. He said he just did not love his wife anymore.. Covey's simple answer was, "Love her." He replied, "you don't understand, I just don't feel love for her anymore." Mr. Covey's reply was again, "Love her." "LOVE is an action, not an emotion. If you begin doing loving things (actions) the feeling will follow." When you do loving actions.. the other person begins to feel loved (respected, appreciated) and will naturally want to reciprocate... it's not always easy, but simply enough, it works. BE WILLING TO GIVE 100 your spouse, kids, family members, friends, co-workers, team mates, and even your boss..:-)

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