Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Have you caught any reruns of  'Friends' lately?  Humor is a GREAT stress reducer.. and we caught a few episodes this past week.. one got me thinking.. It was the episode where Monica found a 'fake' Monica had stolen her credit card and was ringing up a bunch of charges.. as she rattled off the list, she complained to Rachel that this girl was 'living my life' and doing a much better job of it than her.. she was admiring the 'fake' Monica for not having the fear to do all the things SHE would like to do, but did not have the guts to.. We got a good laugh out of the episode.. but it brought to mind Robin Sharma's list below, especially #8.  As we finish up 2011 and move into 2012.. I challenge you to LIVE THE LIFE YOU DESERVE.. whether it is a new job, a new hobby, getting fit (er) or making a difference in other people's lives.. make a decision and DO IT!  Sometimes we have to start out small.. but the power is in ~starting out~.

A gift from Robin Sharma:

1. Do important work vs. merely offering opinions.
2. Lift people up vs. tear others down.
3. Use the words of leadership vs. the language of victimhood.
4. Don’t worry about getting the credit for getting things done.
5. Become part of the solution rather than part of the problem.
6. Take your health to a level called superfit.
7. Commit to mastery of your craft instead of accepting mediocrity in your work.
8. Associate with people whose lives you want to be living.
9. Study for an hour a day. Double your learning and you’ll triple your success.
10. Run your own race. “No one can possibly achieve real and lasting success by being a conformist,” wrote billionaire J. Paul Getty
11. Do something small yet scary every single day.
12. Lead Without a Title.
13. Focus on people’s strengths vs. obsessing around their weaknesses.
14. Remember that potential unused turns into pain. So dedicate yourself to expressing your best.
15. Smile more.
16. Listen more.
17. Read the autobiography of Nelson Mandela.
18. Reflect on the words of Eleanor Roosevelt who said: “Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people.”
19. Persist longer than the critics suggest you should.
20. Say “please” and “thank you”.
21. Love your loved ones.
22. Do work that matters.

Blessings to you and yours,


“Care more than is reasonable, achieve more than is possible, dream more than is normal.” ~ Robin Sharma


Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Cowboy Code

I was recently thumbing through a copy of American Cowboy's Collector's Edition.. LEGENDS of the West.. I don't know about you, but my siblings and I were raised on a steady diet of spagetti westerns and this particular issue focused on how much Hollywood's cowboy and western movies helped to shape our country.  I was pleased to see that when they named 'The 10 Greatest Westerns of All-Time', my Dad's all time favorite classic (that he shared and passed on to all seven of his children) "Once Upon A Time In The West" was number ONE.  But, something else caught my attention.. and as simple as it seems.. we seem to be missing it's common sense a lot now a days.. 

Gene Autry's Cowboy Code:

- A cowboy never shoots first, hits a smaller man, or takes an unfair advantage.
- A cowboy never goes back on his word or a trust confided in him.
- A cowboy always tells the truth.
- A cowboy is gentle with children, the elderly, and small animals.
- A cowboy does not advocate or possess racially or religiously intolerant views and ideas.
- A cowboy helps people in distress.
- A cowboy is a good worker.
- A cowboy keeps himself clean in thought, speech, action, and personal habits.
- A cowboy respects women, parents, and his nation's views.
- A cowboy is a patriot.

Thanks for bringing it all into perspective Gene.  :-)

To the code,


 “It is one of the most beautiful compensations in life.., that no man can sincerely try to  help  another  without helping himself.”
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Decide.. to make a difference

Sometimes we find the news and situations in life wearing us down.. when I am tired I like to go back and read a little Max.. refreshing.. and thankful he just made a difference. :-)

"Though no one can go back and make a brand new start anyone can start and make a brand new end." Author: Carl Bard
Today I Will Make A Difference
Today I will make a difference. I will begin by controlling my thoughts. A person is the product of his thoughts. I want to be happy and hopeful. Therefore, I will have thoughts that are happy and hopeful. I refuse to be victimized by my circumstances. I will not let petty inconveniences such as stoplights, long lines, and traffic jams be my masters. I will avoid negativism and gossip. Optimism will be my companion, and victory will be my hallmark. Today I will make a difference.
I will be grateful for the twenty-four hours that are before me. Time is a precious commodity. I refuse to allow what little time I have to be contaminated by self-pity, anxiety, or boredom. I will face this day with the joy of a child and the courage of a giant. I will drink each minute as though it is my last. When tomorrow comes, today will be gone forever. While it is here, I will use it for loving and giving. Today I will make a difference.
I will not let past failures haunt me. Even though my life is scarred with mistakes, I refuse to rummage through my trash heap of failures. I will admit them. I will correct them. I will press on. Victoriously. No failure is fatal. It's OK to stumble...I will get up. It's OK to fail...I will rise again. Today I will make a difference.
Max Lucadot (Tyndale Publishing, 1985)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Himalayan Salt Benefits

With last years Gulf oil spill.. we Floridians have had to question more closely where our food sources are coming from.. Sea Salt being one of them.. my hubby and I caught a great episode on The Food Channel a year or so back on salt.. varieties, flavors for cooking and benefits. Himalayan became our salt of choice. I have gotten ours from a few different sources.. and try to stay away from promoting any ONE particular brand. Cost factors into most of the decisions we make.. so I think choosing a healthy choice of salt is more important than whose name is on the label.

Himalayan crystal salt is far superior to traditional iodized salt which is extremely toxic. Himalayan salt is millions of years old. It is a pure form of salt, untouched by many of the toxins and pollutants that pervade other forms of ocean salt.

Himalayan Crystal Salt

Known in the Himalayas as “white gold,” Himalayan Crystal Salt contains the same 84 natural minerals and elements found in the human body. This crystal form of salt has also been maturing over the past 250 million years under intense tectonic pressure, creating an environment of zero exposure to toxins and impurities.

What is more, this salt’s unique cellular structure allows it to store vibrational energy. Its minerals exist in a colloidal form, meaning that they are tiny enough for our cells to easily absorb them.

Himalayan Crystal Salt: The Health Benefits

The health benefits of using natural Himalayan Crystal Salt may include [1] [2]

  • Controlling the water levels within the body, regulating them for proper functioning
  • Promoting stable pH balance in the cells, including the brain.
  • Encouraging excellent blood sugar health
  • Aiding in reducing the common signs of aging
  • Promoting cellular hydroelectric energy creation
  • Promoting the increased absorption capacities of food elements within the intestinal tract
  • Aiding vascular health
  • Supporting healthy respiratory function
  • Lowering incidence of sinus problems, and promoting over-all sinus health
  • Reducing muscle cramps
  • Increasing bone strength
  • Naturally promoting healthy sleep patterns
  • Creating a healthy libido
  • In combination with water, it is necessary for blood pressure regulation
  • Prevents cellulite, when compared to table salt
  • Reduces chances of developing rheumatism, arthritis and gout, when compared to common chemically-treated salt
  • Reduces chances of developing kidney and gall bladder stones when compared to common chemically-treated salt

Himalayan Crystal Salt

Why is standard table salt “The Health Destroyer”

Many people are unaware that common table salt is actually full of many forms of chemicals and even sugar! Salt, while necessary for life as we know it, can be dangerous if taken in this chemical form.

Commonly sold table salt is composed of 97.5% sodium chloride and 2.5% chemicals like iodine and absorbents, and sugar. Common salt is also dried at more than 1,200° Fahrenheit, a process which zaps many of the natural chemical structures of naturally-occurring salt.

The table and cooking salt found in most homes, restaurants, and all processed foods, is empty of any nutritional value. It is lacking in the precious trace minerals that make salt good for us. After processing, salt is basically sodium chloride, an unnatural chemical type of salt that our body actually sees as a foreign toxic invader!

When we ingest this type of salt, our body cannot dispose of it in a natural, healthy way. This can lead to inflammation of the tissues, water retention and high blood pressure over time.

Furthermore, processed salt crystals are also energetically dead, as their crystals are completely isolated from one another. In order for our body to metabolize chemical table salt, it must waste tremendous amounts of energy to try to keep the body at its optimum fluid balance. This creates an unnecessary burdening of the elimination systems in the body. Water is also removed from other cells in the system in an attempt to neutralize the unnatural sodium chloride.

Himalayan Crystal Salt

Studies show that for each gram of table salt that your system cannot process, your body will use over twenty times the amount of cellular water to neutralize the sodium chloride in chemically-treated salt.

This can lead to water retention, cellulite, rheumatism, arthritis, gout, as well as kidney and gallbladder stones. With the knowledge that the everyday American eats about 5,000 mg of sodium chloride a day, it is clear that the issue is serious and needs to be addressed.

Choosing to use Himalayan Salt as an alternative can have a big impact on your total health and well-being.

To Your Health,

Ginny :-)


Over five years ago when we moved into our brand new house.. there were a few sheets sitting on the sink warning of 'possible formaldehyde' in the new building and construction materials.. as the tape, texture, paint and carpet all got finished, we did our best to keep the windows and doors open as much as possible.. once in a while, when we've turned the air up upon leaving and walk into the house hours later, we still get that faint 'new home' smell.. just like the new car smell.. which reminds me there is a continuation of VOC off gassing. Every little bit we do to cut down on the amounts of these types of chemicals we are exposed to helps..

Formaldehyde now officially listed as cancer-causing chemical; here are the top sources of exposure

by J. McDonough-Horton

(NaturalNews) Formaldehyde is present in relatively benign quantities in nature; however its presence in manufactured goods is a major health concern because according to a significant body of research, it is a known carcinogenic substance.

Recently the U.S Department of Health and Human Services released a report on newly designated carcinogens that included formaldehyde. The report went on to suggest that people in certain industries were especially vulnerable to the effects of exposure such as those workers who worked in nail salons, in the funeral industry, and in industries which use formaldehyde to produce common household items including home furnishings, cleansers and personal care products. People who are exposed to concentrated levels of formaldehyde are more likely to develop certain cancers such as nasopharyngeal cancer and myeloid leukemia.

While some effort has been made to limit the quantities of formaldehyde used in manufacturing, such as restrictions recently placed by the US in The Formaldehyde Standards for Composite Wood Products Act, this toxic chemical remains a significant health risk especially in confined spaces for prolonged periods of time.

Formaldehyde is classified as a volatile organic compound or VOA. This term is used to describe compounds that are under significant vapor pressure and are easily expelled into the air. Because formaldehyde is readily vaporized can be a serious indoor pollutant.

Products which may contain formaldehyde include:

* Wood composite furniture including; resins used for office furniture, couches, baby furniture, particle board, pressed board, plywood, and softwood.

* Building materials such as acoustical ceilings, mineral wool, decking, composite core doors, industrial glues, foam insulation, paints and paint thinners.

* Household cleansers such as floor polishes, scouring cleansers, disinfectants, liquid cleansers, laundry aids, air fresheners, carpet cleaners.

* Household items such as wall hangings, carpets or throw rugs, coating on paper products, textiles, plastics, and upholstery.

* Personal care products such as hair straightening products, hair rinses, and cosmetics such as nail polish and hair gel often contain formaldehyde. Baby products including shampoos, creams and bubble bath are frequently laced with formaldehyde. Toothpaste and body washes are also potential sources of this carcinogenic ingredient.

* Clothing that is designated wrinkle free or preshrunk frequently contains formaldehyde. It has also been found in baby clothes and bedding.

* Formaldehyde is also a key component in the familiar new car smell of recently purchased vehicles.

* Car exhaust and cigarette smoke also contain formaldehyde.

* Formaldehyde is used as a disinfectant in laboratory settings, and is also used in the embalming process.

There are ways to reduce exposure to formaldehyde including buying products that are formaldehyde free. Another important way to reduce exposure is to be certain to properly ventilate the house. Here are some other suggests to reduce formaldehyde exposure:

1. Frequently air out the house. Formaldehyde concentrations in the home may also lead to allergic reactions may contribute to asthma attacks and contribute to other respiratory problems, rashes, irritation to mucus membranes, and fatigue. Children may be especially vulnerable.

2. Formaldehyde may be more readily released into the air in hot and humid spaces. Keep the area cool and dry in summer weather if possible.

3. Pressed wood products or composite wood frequently contains resins made with formaldehyde. Avoid purchasing these products or look for products that are listed as containing no formaldehyde or low formaldehyde. One example of a product labeled for reduced formaldehyde content would be a C.A.R.B phase 1 or 2 compliant product which is The California Air Resource Board endorsement. California has long recognized the carcinogenic properties of formaldehyde.

4. Wash all new clothing before wearing it. Clothing manufacturers in the U.S and some other countries are not required to label materials containing formaldehyde though many of their products do.

5. Do not allow smoking in the home. Smoke from cigarettes is a leading cause of formaldehyde exposure and indoor pollution.

6. When refinishing or sanding an old piece of furniture or woodwork wear a mask and use adequate ventilation. Sawdust from these items may contain high levels of formaldehyde.

7. Combinations of cleansers can be deadly so don't mix them. Use proper ventilation when using ordinary household cleansers. Although many of them smell fresh and clean they are chemical cocktails that frequently contain formaldehyde.

8. Use low-VOC or no-VOC paints.

9. Buy only personal care and baby care items that are formaldehyde free. Be especially diligent with nail polishes, hair straightening products as both of these items may contain dangerous levels of formaldehyde.

The recent addition of formaldehyde to the list of known cancer causing agents may lead to tougher laws regulating its use in consumer products and is a significant step to protecting the welfare of the public from this toxic substance. Until laws change however, it will be up to consumers to take steps to protect their home and families from formaldehyde.

To Your Health,

Ginny :-)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Learn to color again..

A very nice friend introduced me to Dani Johnson this past week. She’s been all over the TV and web, so you may have already heard of her. Monday, I listened to this webinar live at 10pm through her site. I would have liked her more if she had not sounded like she was yelling at me for most of the call.. lol.. but WOW! She really struck some tender spots in my armor. I realized as I listened to her that too many times I’ve “felt” the victim, and too many times I’ve “allowed” that to be my excuse to not do something that could really make a difference in my life or in my family's life. I listened to other people tell me I couldn't do something. I listened when they told me it didn't work for them.. so why would the outcome be any different for me? Many times I listened, but most of the time, I was the one who stopped myself. Her coaching is for anyone, choosing to do anything in their life. I hope you find value in listening to her.. and no matter WHAT you choose to do or be.. be a good one!

I use to LOVE to color…

Be blessed,

Ginny Bianchet

"The few who do are the envy of the many who only watch." ~Jim Rohn

Friday, May 6, 2011

One of the funniest "Mother's Day" stories I've ever heard

Life has been busy with working.. kids.. family.. and just plain life. But, in honor of Mother's Day, I wanted to share one of the funniest 'Mother's Day' stories I've ever read. This one REALLY struck home because not only do we have two cats, but Max was about two at the time I read this and was in love with our awesome Sun Shades lip balm. Needless to say.. he was given his very own to keep track of, and I hid the rest.


> We had this great 10 year old cat named Jack who just recently died.
>Jack was a great cat and the kids would carry him around and sit on him and
>nothing ever bothered him. He used to hang out and nap all day long on this
>mat in our bath room.
>Well, we have 3 kids and at the time of this story they were 4 years old, 3
>years old and 1 year old. The middle one is Eli. Eli really loves
>chapstick. LOVES it. He kept asking to use my chapstick and then losing it.
>So finally one day I showed him where in the bathroom I keep my chapstick
>and how he could use it whenever he wanted to but he needed to put it right
>back in the drawer when he was done.
>Last year on Mother's Day, we were having the typical rush around and try
>to get ready for Church with everyone crying and carrying on. My two boys
>are fighting over the toy in the cereal box. I am trying to nurse my little
>one at the same time I am putting on my make-up. Everything is a mess and
>everyone has long forgotten that this is a wonderful day to honor me and
>the amazing job that is motherhood.
>We finally have the older one and the baby loaded in the car and I am
>looking for Eli. I have searched everywhere and I finally round the corner
>to go into the bathroom. And there was Eli. He was applying my chapstick
>very carefully to Jack's . . rear end. Eli looked right into my eyes and
>said "chapped." Now if you have a cat, you know that he is right- -their
>little butts do look pretty chapped. And, frankly, Jack didn't seem to
>And the only question to really ask at that point was whether it was the
>FIRST time Eli had done that to the cat's behind or the hundredth.
>And THAT is my favorite Mother's Day moment ever because it reminds us that
>no matter how hard we try to civilize these glorious little creatures,
>there will always be that day when you realize they've been using your
>chapstick on the cat's butt.
>Happy Mother's Day!

May the only tears you shed this Mother's Day be tears of joy.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Enter to win an ECO MOM Home Makeover!

Who could use a free 'green' makeover?? Most of us could use free anything right now.. especially organic food and things for our kids.. but, new eco flooring and a fresh coat of safer paint would be nice too. Ecomom is partnered with Healthy Child Healthy World and is sponsoring a Healthy Home Makeover Contest.. enter to win and mention you found it on my blog.. pretty please. :-)

Enter Contest

To your health,

"The few who do are the envy of the many who only watch." ~Jim Rohn

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ginny Regoord Bianchet

Someone shared a wonderful quote the other day.. I love quotes. They seem to say the very same things we THINK, mean to say, hope to say and want to say at the very right moment in a conversation.. but DON'T. :-) I don't know about you, but I have absolutely wonderful conversations with people all the time.. in my head.. before and after the real conversation actually takes place. Not that I don't have great REAL time conversations.. I just wish I could remember all the perfectly timed, grammatically correct and complete comments I planned on saying actually happen the way they play out in my mind. For some reason, when we hear or read a quote.. we have that 'ahaa' moment. The thought of.. "that's what I meant to say." OR they say the same thing we've thought or tried to say, but for some reason it just sounds so much better. My collection of quotes is growing.. but there is always room for more, so please feel free to share some of your favorites. I'll share with you the one that REALLY struck home the other day.. because I find myself setting lots of goals, but not always reaching them.
"I will! I am! I can! I will actualize my dream. I will press ahead. I will settle down and see it through. I will solve the problems. I will pay the price. I will never walk away from my dream until I see my dream walk away: Alert! Alive! Achieved!" ~ Robert Schuller

Amen Mr. Schuller!! Thank you for your inspiration!


Sunday, February 20, 2011

Warhawk Matt Scott in Nike 'No Excuses' Commercial

LOVE THIS! What ever is stopping you from achieving what you DREAM about achieving.. quit. And do it ANYWAY!

No Excuses..

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Have you ever used the word, gazillion? I caught myself using it twice this past week with my family.. both times it was with my kids... You know the, "not now, I've got a gazillion things to do" statement? The second time I said it, it literally stopped me in my tracks. We all use exaggeration now-a-days to make a point. (I can clearly picture Spock, when confronted about being caught in a possible lie, saying, "not a lie, an exaggeration.") We all do it. But, seriously, a gazillion? :-) One thing I remember learning painfully about 6 months into my first time motherhood was that I could not be, and did not NEED to be 'supermom'. There would always be more laundry to do, more dishes to wash and the dust.. well, the dust would be back before the sun came up. Sometimes, through the years, I've forgotten that bit of wisdom shared with me by other moms and even a popular parenting magazine. And, I get caught up in the hustle and pressure I impose on myself to 'get it all done'.

One of my newest and dearest teammates shared something in her blog a while back that really struck home (thank you Rhonda) and is definitely worth sharing again: "If I had my child to raise all over again, I'd finger paint more, and point the finger less. I'd do less correcting and more connecting. I'd take my eyes off my watch and watch with my eyes. I would care to know less, and know to care more. I'd take more hikes and fly more kites. I'd stop playing serious, and seriously play. I would run through more fields and gaze at more stars. I'd do more hugging and less tugging. I would be firm less often, and affirm much more. I'd build self-esteem first, and the house later. I'd teach less about the love of power, and more about the power of love." ~ Diane Loomans, from 'Full Esteem Ahead'.

So, remember to slow down.. even stop. "Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things."~Robert Brault The little things to us many times turn out to be the big things to our kids. Take advantage of the quiet moments with your kids and family. Be spontaneous! Just yesterday, after a break in the rain, I took a left turn instead of going straight.. and with the blessing of a Fun Pass at Busch Gardens, spent three carefree, uncrowded hours enjoying the animals and rides with my two kids. The same ones who tell me on a regular basis, with all sincerity and honestly that, "Your the best mom ever". They deserved it. And I will treasure it.

Laundry? What laundry?
